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Are SEO keywords important?

Are SEO keywords important-NXTLVLROI Business Consultants

Your keywords for SEO are the keywords and phrases in your web content that enables people to find your site via search engines. A website that is well-optimized for search engines to “speak the same language” as its future visitor base. These keywords help searchers find your domain. Keywords are a major element in SEO.

In other terms, you need to know how people are looking for the products, services, or information you’re offering. You need to make it easy for them to find you — otherwise, they’ll land in Google’s searches, on one of the many other sites for your competitors. Implementing SEO keywords will help your business rank ahead of its competitors

This is why the creation of a collection of keywords is one of the first and most critical phases in every search engine optimization campaign When you run a winning marketing search campaign, keywords and SEO connect directly. Since keywords are central to all of your SEO efforts, ensuring that your SEO keywords are strongly relevant to your audience and are coordinated efficiently for action, is well worth the time and money.

Settling on the right SEO keywords is a very delicate process that requires both trial and error but the basics can easily be grasped. Here at NXT LVL ROI Business Consulting Services, we’ll guide you through exploring what your customers are looking for, finding the keywords that help you rate on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP), and making sure they are working in your online content.

Why are keywords so relevant to SEO?

Keywords are important because they are the linchpin between what people want and the content you provide, to fill that need. Your aim in the search engine rankings is to bring organic traffic from the SERPs to your web, and the keywords you choose to include (including the ones you want to include in your content) can decide the type of traffic you are receiving. For starters, if you own a golf store, you may choose to rank for “new clubs” — but if you’re not careful, you could end up drawing traffic that is interested in discovering a new dance place after dark.

Keywords are all about your market as much as it is about the content, so you might need to explain what you’re selling in a bit of a different way than the way people ask for it. To produce content that ranks highly organically and attracts traffic to your web, you need to consider certain visitors’ needs—the vocabulary they are utilizing and the kind of content they are searching for. You can accomplish this by using a platform like Keyword Explorer, chatting to your clients, frequenting blogs and discussion groups, and conducting your own keyword analysis.

There are many reasons why keywords matter to Google and SEO experts, but here are two major ones.

  • Keywords provide us with information as to who people are and what they desire, and how we can help serve their needs.
  • Keywords will provide a “bullseye” for advertisers, who direct their ads towards it.

Keywords are clues

For SEO the significance of keywords is partially attributed to their value outside of it. Forget about keywords, lists, traffic, or your website for just a minute. If you know your customers’ true feelings, how would you conduct your business differently? How much will these insights affect your business strategy? Keyword research provides for a strong market research technique that can be leveraged in several respects, not only to inform content on the website. You need to look past the direct translation to get the best out of keywords, and also pick up on the subtle clues to get the true value of each keyword.

Below are three key approaches for how keywords have changed the SEO game::

Authority over SEO

PageRank is not dead — but it has gone from being the main determinant of your performance to one of over 200 metrics used by Hummingbird to determine your score. There are now lots of indicators that allow Google to determine together the validity of your content and keywords. We combine outbound links, inbound links, shares in social media, content quality, web design, user experience, and more. All these measurements only test your worthiness as a thought leader in your niche. Yet SEO also depends on whether other organizations have search engine optimized pages. Should you not have one, you’re already down the pecking order.

Frequency comes after keyword placement

SEO still remains essential – to some degree. For eg, your long-tail keyword is still really relevant in the title of your page, content, subheaders, descriptions of images, meta details, etc. In other words, a keyword position is always important. Yet its frequency is not as much. You certainly no longer have to add it at least 7 times in the body content. This is a trick which no longer is effective. Also when reading the text, it becomes less pleasurable, as any writer can tell you.

Semantic keyword search, for short and long-tail keywords

You may have heard the term for keywords, described as “long tail” and “short tail” for more than 15 years. And we all agree that long-tail keywords are stronger than short-tail keywords — keyword phrases longer than three words — because they respond more accurately to search queries and help target the market more easily. This is not always entirely true though.

Let’s do a balancing act

What we mean is that you can’t afford to focus or ignore keywords while writing content. Let’s say you ignore keywords (because you understand that Google is smart and doesn’t just count keywords for ‘exact match’) and focus on end-user writing, decide to go gung-ho and have those creative juices flowing. You still need to make sure the user stays. If you do it this way, you face the possibility that Google won’t have an understanding of what the content is about. So at the end of the day, Google’s a computer. It needs some advice. The result? You’re nowhere to be found for important keywords.

At the other end, if you rely on keywords and neglect intent and content quality, the notion that people don’t stick around on your page or blog would be easily cottoned on by Google. They will go anywhere else, because it’s not easy enough to understand the content, because it doesn’t make sense. It’s the same outcome as before, and you’re still not going to rank.

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Even though the above 3 core services is what our agency & consulting firm is about, we offer several other ancillary services below. Whatever your business or professional needs our, we’re your one stop shop consulting firm to discover & deploy proven solutions to you and your business.

At NXT LVL ROI Business Consulting Services, we focus on driving results to our clients. Our bottom line is to see your bottom line grow significantly. Even though our three core service offerings are business consulting, digital marketing, & lead generation, we also offer a wide variety of ancillary services. That’s completely based on your business & professional needs, and completing a strategy session with you to find the best solutions. If you’re seeking something more specific that may not be listed in the services section below, simply get in contact with us by either call us at (866) 389-1138 or by submitting a form on our contact page. Below are our list of additional services:

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